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Huayuan Psychological Counseling Clinics

Welcome to Huayuan Psychological Counseling Clinics

As the SLOGAN on our website says, "When you see light, you see hope and spring", stimulate your inner light and energy, and you can create hope and spring in your life。

When you are struggling, confused, tired and suffering, psychological counseling provides a space for spiritual nourishment. Our company, listening and support help you clarify your emotional and psychological distress; Self-acceptance, discover your inner resources and energy, move towards self-nourishing, independence, and have an inner harmonious life。

“I open my scuttle at night and see the far-sprinkled systems,
All all I see multiplied as high as I can cipher edge but the rim of the farther systems.
Wider and wider they spread, expanding, always expanding,
Outward and outward and forever outward.”
— Walt Whitman

Emotions like pain, anger, helplessness, and frustration are like a microscope, narrowing one's field of vision to a dark, Ideas that are completely out of touch with reality. It seems that the senses are blocked and no longer receive messages from the outside world. We call this "dark night of the soul". When people are in such a position, they cannot see the panorama of life. The only thing we can do is to accompany, Listen, accept and respect wholeheartedly, and use your "heart" to care for each other's needs.

As a counselor, through companionship and listening, learn from the life stories of each client, Communication and self-reflection, so that when facing the most difficult life, you can go from helplessness, struggle, resistance, passive acceptance to completely gentle acceptance, From "doing for" to "being with", from "repair" to "healing", From "treatment" to "care", we can be more with ourselves and with the case, It is better to use the other party's perspective to understand his (her) experience and encounters. Therefore, in the company again and again, We and the case make each other.


6F-1, No. 186, Houde Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City

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The clinic is 400 meters away from the Ma-Kar KLRT Station

Tel: 07-552-7285; 533-0568
E-mail: feiyu2010886@gmail.com